
Contoh Jawaban Learning Task 4 M5 LA2 Present A Coherent Discussion Text

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Task 4: Present A Coherent Discussion Text
In this final section, you are going to practice assembling parts of discussion texts into a coherent one. Let’s find out if you can apply all the knowledge and skills from earlier Tasks into this particular one.

A      Match the parts of a discussion essay to their different functions
Parts of an essay
Functions of essay parts
1       Introduction 

2       Main body

3       Conclusion
a        Gives some general information about the essay topic, may put forward some differing opinions and gives an answer to the essay question.

b        Summarizes all the arguments and restates your answer/opinion.

c         Describes and explains different viewpoints, arguments, advantages and disadvantages, supported by examples.

B       Put these paragraphs in the correct order to make a coherent essay by matching them to the headings below.
In a family, both men and women should be employed outside the home and share childcare equally. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

A       The economic benefits and the general benefits to children are the reasons why I believe that men should work outside the home and women should not. These traditional roles have worked successfully for a long time, so, in my opinion, they do not need to change now.

B        Also, women should be the main carers for their children. Although some people argue that women should be able to work outside the home, this is hard when there are children. Women give birth to the children and they need to be with them when they are small. It is also better for the children to grow up with a parent who is always at home. Being looked after by a professional carer is not as good for children.

C        Nowadays, the traditional roles of men and women have changed. More men help in the home and more women go out to work. Some people say that this is a good thing, while others say that this is a negative thing. I believe that men should go out to work and women should stay at home. I believe that this is more economically efficient, and it is also better for children.

D       Also, women should be the main carers for their children. Although some people argue that women should be able to work outside the home, this is hard when there are children. Women give birth to the children and they need to be with them when they are small. It is also better for the children to grow up with a parent who is always at home. Being looked after by a professional carer is not as good for children.

Paragraph 1
In a family, both men and women should be employed outside the home and share childcare equally. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Paragraph 2
Nowadays, the traditional roles of men and women have changed. More men help in the home and more women go out to work. Some people say that this is a good thing, while others say that this is a negative thing. I believe that men should go out to work and women should stay at home. I believe that this is more economically efficient, and it is also better for children.
Paragraph 3
Also, women should be the main carers for their children. Although some people argue that women should be able to work outside the home, this is hard when there are children. Women give birth to the children and they need to be with them when they are small. It is also better for the children to grow up with a parent who is always at home. Being looked after by a professional carer is not as good for children.
Paragraph 4
The economic benefits and the general benefits to children are the reasons why I believe that men should work outside the home and women should not. These traditional roles have worked successfully for a long time, so, in my opinion, they do not need to change now.

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