
Contoh Task M2 LA 1 Lengkap Dengan Assignment PPG Daljab Bahasa Inggris

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Task 1
In the appendix there are 20 captions which you will read carefully and analyze.
The first task is to group the captions according to the formats.

1.      First, you will read to understand the captions below. Make sure that you know the meaning of every word and every part of each news report.
2.      Then, you will copy each of them into the table.
3.      Finally, you will group them according to the visible format.
Some have been done for you as examples.
Different Types of Captions
The next step is to put the captions with a similar format together. Some have been done for you as examples.
Group 1:
Caption 1, 2, 3, ...
Group 2:
Caption 13, 14, ...
Group 3:
Caption 4, ...

Sir, I am so sorry. I couldn’t finish the Task 1 and Task 2 because I couldn’t find the 20 captions, so my friends did.

Task 2

Now, you will analyze the social functions of the captions, by identifying the focus, the context, and the relationship with their respective headlines.

To do this, you need to answer the following questions:
2.      How is the picture contextualized?.
3.      How does the caption relate to the headlines?

Now, it’s your turn to analyse all the other captions.
When you are done, check out the answer keys.

I would like you to give your hand, Sir. I had the same problem with this task. The captions are not found.
Task 3
Answer the following questions.
Text 1
Historically speaking, how do you see Eiffel and Borobudur?
In my opinion, the Eiffel tower is one of the towers that has its own beauty and unique. This tower can not be separated from the history of the group. The tower was built between 1887 and 1889 as the entrance of the Universelle Fair to celebrate a century of French Revolution. Eiffel was actually planning to build a tower in Barcelona, for the Universal Fair of 1888, but the responsible parties at the Barcelona city hall thought it was strange and expensive, and did not fit the city. Afterwards, Eiffel sent his draft to the person in charge of the Universal Exhibition in Paris, and he built the tower later, which was 1889. The tower was inaugurated on March 31, 1889, and on 6 May. In its construction, Eiffel took a cautious stance, including the use of moving pallets, auxiliary rails and screens, so that in the process of working only one person died.
Historically, no written evidence exists that explains who built the Borobudur and what its uses are. The development time is estimated by comparison between the type of script written on Karmawibhangga's closed legs with the type of script commonly used in 8th and 9th century royal inscriptions. It is estimated that Borobudur was built around AD 800. This time period corresponds to the period between 760 and 830 CE, the peak of the triumph of the Syailendra prefecture in Central Java, which was then influenced by the Sriwijaya Empire. Borobudur development is estimated to spend more than 75 - 100 years and actually completed during the reign of king Samaratungga in 825.
Based on the two text above, I have to say that Eiffel Tower and Borobudur Temple is a relic of history that has links with past events. They are built because of a human interest in the process of building a civilization and this becomes a separate cultural value for each country and it should be the government and its citizens to see the history with reference to the relics .
Text 2
Of the four key elements, which is the most influential element that caguarantee the success of democracy?
Of the four key elements, I myself am more likely to have the view that a key element in the success of democracy is the fair and equitable application of law to all citizens. That way, the democratic process will work well because it is protected by the relevant law. The law will ask its citizens to play an active role in democracy and the government will run its system in accordance with the law. As a result, the democratic government will be elected by the people well.
Text 3
What are the interests in the encyclopedia relevant to Indonesian context?
I guess that the educational linguistics and linguistics ethnography is the interests in the encyclopedia relevant to Indonesian context because as we know Indonesia consists of various ethnicities. This interest will be relevant to Indonesia Context in order to understand how social and communicative processes operate in a range of settings and contexts.
Task 4
Deconstruct the texts by filling in the spaces in the table below.
Text 1
Eiffel Tower,   Paris, France. 1887–89,  The most recognizable structures in the world, Gustave Eiffel
Detailed information 1
·         The  tower  is  324  metres  (1,063 ft)  tall
·         Its base is square, measuring 125 metres (410 ft) on each side.
·         The  tallest man-made structure in the world, a title it held for 41 years
·         A broadcasting  aerial at the top of the tower in 1957   
Detailed information 2
·         The tower has restaurants and the  highest observation  deck  accessible  to  the  public  in  the  European  Union. 
·         Tickets  can  be purchased to ascend by stairs or lift (elevator) to the first and second levels.
·         The climb from ground level to the first level is over 300 steps
·         there is a staircase to the top level, it is usually accessible only by lift.
Text 2
Democracy,  the  citizens exercise power directly, "rule of the majority".
Detailed information 1
The  origin of democracy
Detailed information 2
Four  key elements in democracy
Detailed information 3
History of democracy and democracy with other forms of government.

Assignment M2 LA1

1.   Establish a personal recount plan involving your experience as a school teacher.
            Being a teacher was my dream when I was a kid. Teacher is a figure that also affects my career development at this time. I am ..........................., as an English teacher in ........................................ I have been teaching here since 2010.
            In my profession, I have encountered many things, both joy and sorrow. What I found very impressive is when I guided my students who had limited comprehension in learning English.
            First, I was a little annoyed with some of my students because they were not interested in learning English at all. They ignored it by sleeping often while studying; not completing a given assignment, sometimes was not attending classes. However, I always thought positively to them. I supposed that they were not interested in learning, but they had not felt comfortable with their learning styles.
            I also consulted the principal for their behavior. The principal suggested that they had to be given special learning outside the classroom. I also accepted her advice. After going through a process that I think is quite tiring in programming, then I created an additional lesson schedule for them. In my program, I focused learning activities with fun activities. The activities were watching English movies and listening to English songs, and I thought it was very appropriate for them.
            Over the course of several weeks, our activities only discussed English songs of they chose. In the activity, we sang together, tried to understand the meaning of the song by searching the lyrics, singing it and translating it. The activity was always repeated until it had nearly 20 songs that we had completed,
            Next, I ran the program in which we watched some movies with English text. In these activities, my students were asked to take down some of the sentences they thought were important to the storyline. And every single movie had been watched; I was collecting their records and analyzing the grammar in each sentence.
            In the end, my students became interested in learning English because they matched the thirst for understanding their language. They feel engrossed in understanding the English language. And it has been a satisfying pleasure for me.

2.   Establish a historical recount plan of the school you are teaching at the moment.
SMA Ar-Risalah Lubuklinggau
            SMA Ar-Risalah Lubuklinggau is a pesantren-based private school located in the town of Lubuklinggau. The school stood in the middle of the complex of Pesantren Modern Ar-Risalah in 2001. Although it is located in the middle of the pesantren, this school uses the name of SMA, automatically under the guidance of the Ministry of National Education. In the implementation of this secondary school combines three educations namely, education of the Qur'an, diniyah education, and general education. All students are required to stay in dormitories, so they are more controlled in morals, mental, scientific, skills and ubudiyah every day.
            First, SMA Ar-Risalah Lubuklinggau which stands under the auspices of Lubuklinggau Education Foundation Ar-Risalah has facilities that were not very supportive for the learning process. However, with the struggle of teachers and principals as well as support from the foundation, the facility can gradually be realized well. At the beginning of 2009, SMA Ar-Risalah Lubuklinggau able to build a library building equipped with books that support books to learn. Furthermore, about 2 years after that, SMA Ar-Risalah again improved its facilities by adding 1 story building for 4 classes. In addition, Dormitory and its supporting facilities was  continued to take good improvement during 2010 to 2015.
            Physical development had increased rapidly from year to year, as well as improvement of supporting facilities such as laboratories. In 2015, Ar-Risalah High School completed the IPS Laboratory with various sophisticated tools to support the learning process. 2 years later, Ar-Risalah High School in cooperation with the government held a support facility that is Computer Labor that had excellent multimedia specifications that can be utilized by teachers in implementing the learning process.
            This is the effort of SMA Ar-Risalah to provide maximum educational services. SMA Ar-Risalah Lubuklinggau is a continuation of Ar-Risalah Junior High School located in the complex of Pesantren Modern Ar-Risalah Lubuklinggau. Standing and development of SMA Ar-Risalah Lubuklinggau can not be separated from the figure of its founder is KH. Dr. (hc) Syaiful Hadi Maafi, BA who has a sincere intention to manifest knowledgeable, knowledgeable, and able to develop the potential of young Muslims to become a highly educated by holding fast to aqidah sunna wal jamah experts based on al-Qur 'an, Hadith, ijma and qiyas.
            During 17 years, SMA Ar-Risalah Lubuklinggau had passed thousands of almuni who have spread in various directions. About 5 years ago, Ar-Risalah High School in cooperation with Al Ahghaf University of Yemen in the admission of prospective students. Currently, about a dozen high school alumnus Ar-Risalah are studying in Yemen. In addition to Yemen, many alumni of Ar-Minis High School have received education to state universities through SNMPTN, SPAN PTKIN, SBMPTN, and others. This is supported by excellence when choosing majors in college, students are free to choose majors because students have competence in the field of general education with curriculum Diknas and religion with curriculum pesantren.

3.   Establish a biographical recount plan about the principal who you think he/she is important  for  the  developments  of  the  school  you  are  teaching  at  the  moment.

Ikhsan Amin

            Ikhsan Amin is a great teacher who was born on June 2, 1967 in Batu Raja. He is a leader who is able to have a tremendous impact on progress in the school he leads. For nearly 6 years he had led SMA YAK Lubuklinggau.
            The beginning of his career before he was appointed principal was a Geographer teacher at the school. However, by considering the quality of his ability in the managerial classes and curriculum, he was appointed by the Foundation for a replacement position because the previous school principal resigned. During 6 months he occupied the position, the achievement that he got really extraordinary. The presence of teachers in the classroom increased sharply, and school rules were actually run in accordance with its provisions.
            In 2012, he was appointed fully as principal to run his role for 2 years. During these two years, he enhanced all aspects of the facilities at school. Improvement of learning facilities such as procurement of Infocus Projector in each class is equipped with audio system, extra-curricular activities facilities, such as Basketball Field, badminton, futsal. With the improvement of these facilities spur the spirit of teachers and students to excel. This is evidenced by the more creative learning activities at that time, resulting in students who excel in academic and nonacademic activities.
            After making significant improvements at the facility, he gave full concentration on improving the quality of teachers in the school. Various kinds of training to improve the professionalism of teachers implemented. Such activities include intensive training in the implementation of the 2013 curriculum, teacher professional quality improvement training, and teachers' ability to use IT in the learning process.
            In 2014, Ikhsan Amin continued his studies in postgraduate majoring in Management. This is done, because he wants to really maximal in running the professional principal in management. By 2016, He had finished his studies with honors. It gained a special appreciation from the foundation by extending his tenure for the next 2 years until 2018.
            For 2 years, Ikhsan Amin increasingly makes the school able to answer the various demands of modern education needs without forgetting the value of religious values ​​in learning. One of his best innovations is implementing the Quran Reading program before teaching and learning activities begin as a form of improving the quality of students in the field of religion.

            At the end of the school year 2017 - 2018, Ikhsan Amin was transferred to the other school by the foundation because the Foundation wanted the same progress in another school as he had done in YAK Lubuklinggau high school.

Note: ini hanya contoh teman-teman bisa kembangkan untuk selanjutanya

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