
Contoh Tugas M1 LA4 Task 1 - 4 dan Assignment PPG Daljab Bahasa Inggris

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Choose only one out of three topics below to write a hortatory exposition text. Be sure to apply the things we have just discussed in this module. List of the topics to choose

1.       Roles of TV for Learning
2.       Embedding soft skills in teaching-learning process
3.       Healthy food and creative thinking


            The essence of the goal of education is to develop people to have knowledge and skills with independent and responsible personality. To support the purpose of education, people must have hard skills and soft skills. hard skills can be obtained instantly because it is knowledge, while soft skill is a non-knowledge ability. Soft skills should be embedded in the learning process for several reasons.
            Soft skills cannot be obtained instantaneously by learners, this needs to be inculcated at any time because soft skills are a habit that must be cultivated over time over their innate traits. So the need of soft skill growth of students from an early age and continue until the highest education.
             In the learning process, growing soft skill of students is very important because soft skill in the form of responsibility, self-discipline, honest, friendly, ethical, creative, hard work and confidence that will bring students to good emotional intelligence (Emotional Intelligence). With good emotional intelligence, it will be able to assist the students in searching for better and more complex knowledge.
            Soft skills are special abilities, including social interaction, technical and managerial skills. This ability is one of the things that every student must have in entering the workforce. Based on data adopted from the Havard School of Business, the skills and abilities given in the learning bench, 90 percent are technical skills and the rest are soft skills. In fact, the required thing is to face the workforce is only about 15 percent of the ability of hard skills. From these data, it can draw the common thread that in entering the workplace, soft skill has a more dominant role.
            Based on the reasons above, soft skill should be invested in the learning process as the initial foundation to create graduates or human beings in accordance with the purpose of education itself.

Please do the assignment below to rehearse anything you have learnt in this activity and send it to the link provided.
When your mind map is completed, use it to analyse any text of hortatory available in this module!

Purposes          : To present opinion that the removal lead of petrol should not be done because of the using of car in country
Generic Structure Analysis
• Thesis                          ; paragraph 1 (the removal of lead from petrol)
• Argument 1                 ; paragraph 2 (different petrol car crowd in city and country)
• Argument 2                 ; paragraph 3 (punishment to the old car is not followed by an increase in public transportation in the country)
•           Recommendation        ; paragraph 4 (the old car should be treated differently dealing with the region (country/city))

Language Feature Analysis
Focusing on the writer            : using the first personal pronoun "I"
Using abstract noun                ; discussion
Using action verb                    : treat,
Using thinking verb                ; think, seem
Using passive voice                 ; should be treated differently
Using simple present tense      ; there doesn't seem…, there is no public transport.., etc

Purpose : to attempt to persuade the reader to believe something by presenting one side of the argument.
Generic Structure Analysis
•           Thesis                          ; paragraph 1
(whether or not fishery resources were affected by the tsunami)
•           Arguments                  ; paragraph 2-6 (catch per boat and total catch actually increased in 2005 and 2006 compared with 2004, catches were back in the normal range for 2005, two districts had lower catches a year after the tsunami, while four districts showed no difference in catches)
•           Reiteration                  ; paragraph 7

Language Feature Analysis
Focusing on the non-human participants        : using the data
Using abstract noun                                        ; impact
Using passive voice                                         ; is considered, be related, is driven
Using simple present tense                              ; the available evidence shows that overall, Monthly total catches in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka

Purpose : To persuade the readers to pay attention for a youth-centred prevention policy must be aggressively implemented.
Generic Structure Analysis
•           Thesis                          ; paragraph 1 (Smoking cigarettes is the leading cause of avoidable death in the United States)
•           Argument 1                 ; paragraph 2 (Smoking is the main cause of deadly disease)
• Argument 2                 ; paragraph 3 (each smoker who died in 1990 as a result of his or her smoking)
• Argument 3                 : paragraph 4 and 5 (many costs are wasted because of cigarettes)
• Recommendation        ; paragraph 6 (a youth-centred prevention policy must be aggressively implemented

Language Feature Analysis
Focusing the non-human participants : using smoking.
Using passive voice                 ; must be aggressively implemented
Using simple present tense      ; The nation has a compelling interest ,etc

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