
Teks Hortatory Exposition Beserta Soal Jawaban (Fuel Price)

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Teks Hortatory Exposition Beserta Soal Jawaban (Fuel Price)

The text is for questions 1 to 3.

Government should not raise fuel price to solve the problem of economic issues. People were affected severely with the high fuel price like last year. Obviously they cut their spending. As an example, they had to buy lower quality of rice or palm oil. There were also fewer buyers of secondary commodities like flour, or canned meat or fish.
Furthermore, the condition of low income family will become even worse because their expenses will increase while their salaries will not. Many companies will have to trim the number of employees because they are incapable of managing, buying or selling price, standard wages and personal affairs.
Finally, government should not raise fuel price to overcome economic problem but the solution should be sought by tapping into the nation’s own potential and utilizing it to enhance productivity to its maximum.

1. The title of the text is ….
A. The price of the secondary commodities
B. The effect of increasing fuel price
C. Condition of low income family
D. The increasing of fuel price
E. The economic problem
2. “Many companies will have to trim the number of employees.” (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word means ….
A. fire
B. cut
C. add
D. reduce
E. border
3. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. The government should enhance productivity to solve the economic problem.
B. The government should raise fuel price to solve the problem.
C. The government should consider condition of low family income.
D. The government should reduce the number of employees.
E. The government should decrease the standard of wages.

Source: Soal Ujian Nasional SMA. 

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