
LEARNING TASK 2 M6 LA2(MODULE 6 LEARNING ACTIVITY2)Analyze Each Part of the Application Letters

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Task 2 m6 la 2
Analyzing each part of the application letters
To whom/ address
Statement of Purpose
Remi Monoco, ExecutiveAssistant
The MetropolitanWaterfrontAlliance
457 Madison Avenue
NeYork, NY10022
DeaMr. Monoco:
I am applying for the position of Office Associate withthe Metropolitan
Waterfront Alliance (MWA)based on the recommendation of a mutual friend, Kim Power.
will graduate in May2016 from the Universityof Virginia(U.Va.) with aBachelor of Urbaand EnvironmentalPlanning, aBachelor of Arts in Frencand aminor inArchitecture
-   currently intern with Piedmont Council of theArts which shares similar responsibilities to the position at MWA
-    interneat KPMG AuditForm, acorporateenvironment.
-   handled event logistics and publicizeevents to serve as publicity chair of the TaiwaneseStudent Association atUniversity of Virginia
Kim  Power  issending  you  a
letter in  regards  tomy qualificationsand  I look  forward to discussing mycandidacy for this position  with  you
as  well. Thank you for your time and thoughtfulconsideration. I hope to hear back from
you soon.
Ms. Ann Nawaz
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland AvenueS.W. (FB-6, Room 7E230) Washington, DC 20202
Dear Ms. Nawaz:
My experiencesand statuas athird-yeaatheUniversity ofVirginia make mean ideal candidatefor the summer internship program with theU.S. Department of Education, which I learnedabout at the Government and Nonprofit CareerExpo in D.C. last month. Youragency is known for working toensure equal access toeducation foevery chiland promotingeducational excellencethroughout thenation.  I know that with mybackgrounandinterest in helpingyouth, I am a good fit for your organization.
A Third Year athe University of Virginia
-   My volunteerwork throughout college asconfirmed my interest ianddedication tochildhoodeducation. By volunteering atWesley Dacare in Charlottesville,Virginia
-   Durinmy timeaWesley, I had the opportunity to observe studentand teacherolesand a variety of teaching techniques.
-   I am prepared for thisadministrative role as a result ofmy position aan intern atheWeldon Cooper Center for Public Service last summer
-   coordinated internship placements for over 200 studentsin the Charlottesvillecommunity.
-   have honed the organizational and time-management skills necessary to be a successful intern with theDepartment of Education.
Thank you forreviewinmyapplication.Should you haveany questions,you may reachme using thecontactinformationlisteabove.
Hiring Manager
GarveySchubert& Barer
123 14th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Dear HiringManager:
Please accept thisletter and the attached resumeaan indication ofmy sincereinterest in the open legal assistant position at Garvey,Schubert & Barer that I found onCAVLink, the University ofVirginia’s job database.
graduated in December 2014 with a degree in HistorandSociology
-   After taking acoursiLand,Laand the Environment, myprofessor took me on aan intern towork athe University’sInstitute for EnvironmentalNegotiations
-   My internship included reading reports, analyzingdata, conductingactive researchcontacting persons ofinterest tarrange interviews, andgiving reports ofmy findings.
-   have developed the researching,analyticalthinking and writing skills necessary to be a successful legalassistant
-   As a member of the swim team, I devoted up to 30 hours a week to practices, travel and competition  full course load.
Thank you foryour time andconsideration. Ican be reached via phone (865-987-2222)oremail(whuffman@gmail.com).

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