
LEARNING TASK 1 M6 LA2(MODULE 6 LEARNING ACTIVITY2) Getting to Know Application Letters

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Read three examples of Application Letters. Then answer the questions in Task 1.
Anna (Thi) Pan
987 Lewis St. Charlottesville VA 22904 annapan@virginia.edu | 434-983-0000

April 22, 2015

Remi Monoco, Executive Assistant
The Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance
457 Madison Avenue
NeYork, NY 10022

DeaMr. Monoco:
I am applying for the position of Office Associate with the Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance (MWA) baseon therecommendation of a mutual friend, Kim Power. I will graduate in May 2016 from the University of Virginia(U.Va.)  with a Bachelor of Urbaand Environmental Planning, a Bachelor oArts in Frencand a minor inArchitecture I will be moving to NeYork City soon and see this position as the ideal opportunity to contributethe skills I have gained from my professional experienceacademic studies, and diverse background. I share thebeliewith MWA that waterfront areas should be accessible foalland I am strongly motivated to make the NewYorand NeJersey shores a pleasant place to live, worand play.
My organizational and communication skillare well demonstrated in my worexperiences in nonprofit, corporateand student organization settings. Currently, I intern witPiedmont Council of the Arts which shares similarresponsibilities to the position at MWA. During my internship, I provide administrative support, focusing on maintaining a contact database of locaartists, creating a nefiling system for the council and constructing e-mailcampaigns.  I have also interneat KPMG Audit Form, a corporate environment where attention to detail wasessential when managing client fileand proofreading financial statements.  In addition, I handled event logisticsand publicizeevents when I served as publicity chair of the Taiwanese Student Association at U.Va. I haveacquired a sophisticated understanding of urbaaffairs througmy studiesMy coursework included siteassessment and data collection, application of planning regulations, and   the development of recommendations in order to create neighborhood masteplan and transportation plan. Originally from Taiwan, my residence inGermanyFrance and the UniteStates, as  well as  my extensive travel  experience have fostered aease in working with people from diverse backgrounds.
Kim  Power  is  sending  you  a letter  in  regards  to  my qualifications  an I look forward  to discussing mycandidacy for this  position  with  you  as  well. Thank you for your time and thoughtful consideration. I hope tohear back from you soon.
Anna (Thi) Pa

Patria Camp
290 Colonnade Dr. Apt 25
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
895-987-6321 or pcamp@virginia.edu

March 25, 2015

Ms. Ann Nawaz
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland AvenueS.W. (FB-6, Room 7E230) Washington, DC 20202

Dear Ms. Nawaz:
My experienceand statuas a third-yeaathe University of Virginia make me an ideal candidate for the summer internship program with the U.S. Department of Education, which I learneabout at the Government and NonprofitCareer Expo in D.C. last month. Your agency is known for working to ensure equal access teducation foeverychiland promoting educational excellence throughout the nation.  I know that with my backgrounand interest in helping youth, I am a good fit for your organization.
My volunteework throughout college haconfirmed my interest iand dedication to childhood education. Byvolunteering aWesley Daycare in Charlottesville, Virginia, I learned a lot about child development by caring forchildreranging from three months to three years old. During my time aWesley, I had the opportunity to observestudent and teacheroleand a variety of teaching techniques. Later, these skills became important when Ivolunteered with the Migrant Aid program and had the opportunity to tutor two high school students.  I now lookforward to serving aaadvocate for youth education by working in your After-School Programs Division.
I am prepared for thiadministrative role as a result of my position aan intern athe Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service last summer.  There, I coordinated internship placements for over 200 students in the Charlottesvillecommunity.  More specifically, collected and organizeapplications, corresponded with students and sponsors viaemail and phone, maintainean updated Excel database of all internship sites and sponsor contacts, and created orientation packets.  I have honed the organizational and time- management skills necessary to be a successful internwith the Department of Education.
Thank you for reviewinmy application.  Should you have any questions, you may reacme using the contactinformation listeabove.
Best regards, 

Patrice Camp
Wilson Easton Huffman
983 Culbreth Rd. Charlottesville, VA 22903

January 25, 2015

Hiring Manager
GarveySchubert & Barer
123 14th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Dear Hiring Manager:
Please accept this letter and the attached resume aan indication of my sincere interest in the open legal assistant position at GarveySchubert & Barer that I found on CAVLink, the University oVirginia’s job database Igraduated in December 2014 with a degree in Historand Sociology and would like to gain experience in the legal field before applying to law school. While reviewing your website, I was pleased to see that youfirm operates in awide variety of spheres. The areas of your practice to which I am particularly attracted are the Environment &Natural Resourceand Land Use & Condemnation sectors.

Throughout my college career, the courses I found most interesting were those revolvinaround subjects such as law, business, and land use.  After taking a course in Land, Law and The Environment, my professor took me onas an intern to work athe University’s Institute for Environmental Negotiations. My internship included reading reports, analyzing data, conducting active research contacting persons of interest tarrange interviews, and giving reports of my findings.  From my coursework and professional experiences, I have developed the researching,analyticathinking and writing skills necessary to be a successful legaassistant. In addition, I am aware of thelong hourand hard work thais required of the role am ready to dedicate myself to GarveySchubert & Barer in much the same way that committed myself to being a varsity athlete. As a member of the swim team, Idevoted up to 30 hours a week to practices, travel and competition while maintaining a full course load.
I am eager to learn from the many successful lawyers at GarveySchubert & Barer holding high peereviewratingiaccordance with Martindale-Hubbell Legal Network.  I hope that you will afford me the opportunity to become a member of your team.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  I can be reached via phone (865-987-2222) or email(whuffman@gmail.com).

Wilson Huffman

Task 1
Answer the questions by providing evidence (expression, phrase, and sentence) to support your answer

Application Letter 1
Application Letter 2
Application Letter 3
1.      What is the writer’s tone in each of the application letters?
The tone of the letter is formal and superior
The tone of the letter is formal and confident.
The tone of the letter is formal and confident.
2.      What benefits the employer get for reading these application letters?

After reading these application letters, the employers can make decision easily regarding to the recruitment in his/her company because the candidates sent their qualifications.
3.      Which of the application letters has the strong effect for the employers? Provide arguments for your answer.
I think the first application letter that sent by Anna (Thi) Pan has strong effect for the employer. She is recommended by Kim Power. I think Kim Power is someone who has good record in that company. He is going to send letter to the company regarding to Anna’s qualification.

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