
Contoh learning Task 3 M3 LA2 Exploring Fabel PPG Daljab Bahsa Inggris

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Task 3
Fill in the story elements of THE ORIGIN OF A COUNTRY CALLED MINANGKABAU (Minangkabau, West Sumatera) in the following table.
- A hill Bull 
- A river called
  Sungai Emas
- Along the foot
  of a hill called
  Bukit Batu
- the center of 
  the field
- the sea
- A buffalo
- The skipper
- Datuk Ketumanggungan
- Datuk Perpatinnan Sabatang
- The dignitaries
- The intellectual person
- The people of the country
-      There was a ship anchored at a hill Bull Gombak. In the ship, they had a big strong buffalo. The buffalo bathed in a river called Sungai Emas.
-      After that, the ship passed along Bukit Batu Patah. The buffalo was taken outside.
-      The skipper challenged Datuk Ketumanggungan, Datuk Perpatin nan Sabatang and all the people to have buffaloes fighting.
-      The skipper made a bet that ifhis buffalo was defeated, all of his ship would be given to them.
-      Datuk Perpatin nan Sabatang and Datuk Ketumanggungan as well as dignitaries, intellectual person and all people in the country accepted his challenge. They agreed to prepare their buffalo for seven days before the fights.
-      They prepared a young buffalo which was still sucking milk from his mother. The night before the fighting, the young calf was not given the opportunity to be suckled by its mother. They made an iron support having nine branches with six apexes in its mouth.
-      All men and women went out of their houses to watch the fight.
-      The big buffalo was driven to the large field, while the young buffalo was released and also driven to the centre of the field. At once the young buffalo hurried up toward the big buffalo to suck milk to quench its thirst, but in so doing, it attacked with its iron support the belly of the big buffalo.
-      The young buffalo won the game.
The skipper felt ashamed. He abandoned all his ships and he went back to the sea.
The place of the buffaloes fighting is now called Minangkabau. It is thought to be conjunction of two words, minang (victorious) and kabau (buffalo). They named their tribe “Minangkabau” after the victorious buffalo to mark their wisdom and strategy in that important event.

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