
Contoh Jawaban Learning Task 3 dan 4 M4 LA2 Caption PPG Daljab Bahasa Inggris

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Task 3
Now, you will analyze the text structures of the captions. Some have been done for you as an examples. Study them carefully. Then, analyze the text structures of the other captions.
The Structure of the Captions in Group 1

Group 1:
Caption 1, 2, 3
What about
Winning duo:
Indonesia’s Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo (left) and Marcus Fernaldi Gideon
on the podium
With what
with their tophies
after beating Denmark’s Mathias Boe and Carsten Mogensen
during the men’s doubles final
at the All England Open Badminton Championships
in Birmingham, England,
on Sunday.

Group 2:
Caption 13, 14
Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) chief commissioner Halim Alamsyah (left
with speakers Seung Kon-oh from the Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation (second left), former chairman of the Indonesia Bank Restructuring Agency, Glenn Yusuf (second right), and distinguished fellow of Asia Global Institute, the University of Hong Kong, Andrew Sheng,
after a seminar entitled “20 Years of Asian Financial Crisis: Strengthening Infrastructure for Financial Crisis Resolution”
in Jakarta
on Wednesday.

Group 3:
Caption 4
Martina Navratilova
John McEnroe

Task 4
Now, you will analyse the lexicogrammatical features of the captions.

1)      The main part of most captions is one or two grammatically complete sentences, consisting of
-          the Subject (Who/What?)
-          the Verb
-          the Object/Complement (Who/What?)
-          Prepositional Phrases of Time (When?)
-          Prepositional Phrases of Place (Where?)

2)      The Verb
-          the first sentence is usually in the Simple Present Tense, in the Active voice:pose, talk, browse, holds, poses, sign, celebrates, sign, stands, loot, supply, is, photographs, comes, poses, arranges, can’t command.
-          the second sentence is usually in the Simple PastTense: shared, was, was.

3)      Prepositional phrases to state the place, time, and other circumstances
Example: Caption 1
-          on the podium, with their trophies, after beating Denmark’s Mathias Boe and Carsten Mogensen, during the men’s doubles final, at the All England Open Badminton Championships, in Birmingham, England, on Sunday.
4)      Bold characters to state the headline, mostly in Noun Phrases or Present Participles.
-          Winning duo:
-          Celebrating rights:

Dear Instructor,

I am sorry for not being able to do Learning Task M 4 LA 2 especially task 1 – 4 because I cannot find 20 captions in the appendix.  
Thank you

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