
Contoh Jawaban Learning Task 6-7 M4 LA3 Advertisement PPG Daljab Bahasa Inggris

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Task 6
Instruction: Observe carefully the following advertisement text, and answer the question!

1.      What is this advertisement for?
The advertisement is for persuading people who suffer joint pain to use this product (Instaflex) because the formulation of this product has been developed which is include eight all natural ingredients specially blended to relieve joint discomfort.
    2.      Do you think this advertisement is effective? Does it make you more likely to buy the product?
I think this advertisement is effective. It tells that the product blends eight natural ingredients to relieve joint discomfort. The imperative sentence “Relieve Joint Pain Now” is persuasive and arises the impulse to buy the product, especially if I have joint pain after doing exercise or tiring activities.
   3.      What thing does this advertisement NOT say about this product?
The advertisement doesn’t give the information of the place where we can find and buy the product.
  4.      Why could this be an example of pain relieving?
This advertisement could be an example of pain relieving because of the information that stated in the advertisement. Instaflex can help people to relieve paint, improve flexibility, and increase mobility.
 5.      Can you think of any pain relieving?
Yes, I can. For example, Salonpas – Paint Relieving Patch.

Task 7
Instruction: Think of a specific product, and make it into an advertisement text!
Hand-Made Wood Plane

An accurate and High Precision Tools for your Wood Working with the Blade original from Germany

Grab These Two Handy Wood Plane for Paring End Grain of Your Wood Working only Rp 500.000 !!!

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