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Task 1
In this activity, we will learn how to give instruction on using office equipment. First read the texts clearly and meaningfully with correct pronunciation.
Text 1: How to use a photocopier (spoken)
Jenny  : I read the instruction, but I’m still not sure how to use this photocopy machine.
Rob     : Actually, it’s pretty easy.  First of all, make sure to turn the machine on.
Jenny  : Got it.
Rob     : Lift up the cover, then put your document onto the glass. Remember to put the        
              document face down on the upper top of the glass.
Jenny  : Alright. What’s next?
Rob     : Lower the cover and select the paper you wish, then press [START] button. 
Jenny  : I see. Look! a green light flash onto the glass.
Rob     : Yeah… it shows that the machine is copying. Once the flashing is off, your copy 
               is ready. Don’t forget to collect the copy from the
Text 2: How to Use Photocopier (Written)
Using the Photocopier
Locate the power switch and turn the machine on. Allow sufficient time for the machine to warm up; older machines can take more time than newer models.
Lift the cover and place the document you wish to copy face down on the glass. Take care to position it properly; most photocopiers have markings showing where to place documents. Lower the cover and, using the control panel, select the number of copies you wish to make. Push “start” and the copying should commence.
Use the automatic feed on your copier to copy documents several pages in length. Following the guide next to the feed, position your stack of documents; many photocopiers auto-feed documents face up. See if your photocopier has options for automatically collating and stapling your documents – most newer models do. Select these options on the digital display, press "start," and your stack of documents will be photocopied, collated and stapled for you.

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