
Soal speaking IELTS Terbaru(2017)+Sample Jawaban Band 8.0-9.0 part 1


Describe an interesting neighbour
Yang seharusnya anda katakan:
§  who this person is
§  how often you see him or her
§  how long you have known this neighbour
§  why you consider this person to be interesting

jawaban yang disarankan:
I’m currently living in a densely-populated area with a multitude of households. However, if you ask me to give you an account of a neighbor who intrigues me most, I would not hesitant to talk about [………]
Main body
§  Who is he?:

– Special man ==> have an innate talent for singing and composing ==> signed up for a well-known band ==> Lead vocalist – song composer
– Born and grew up in….==> embarked on his singing career in…..==> moved to live in close proximity to my house 2 year ago.

§  How you know about him

– Got to know him almost 2 years ago when I was a senior –>undergo a nerve-racking time (can’t find work-life balance, no me-time, up to ears with internship assignment, finals) –> let my hair down ==> went to a coffee shop near ==> met him by chance, singing my favorite song ==> talked to each other ==> then realised that living in the same neighborhood ==> stroke up our friendship.
– It have been over 2 years since we met but we really hit it off.

§  Why you like him?

– Outer appearance: well-built person with broad shoulders and wavy hair ==> handsome and attractive
– Personalities ==> kind (devote time/money/effort to helping the disabled/poor) + gregarious + humorous (play jokes on my bad side of character, cheer my up) ==> set a prime example for me
– Identify with me ==> have a lot in common & well-matched in our interests (like singing, drawing, etc)
– Knowledgeable


To be honest, he is adored by all people in the neighborhood. To me, he is the most awesome human being on earth. You know, lots of things will change down the road, and all relationships have their ups and downs, but I have a firm belief that we will not drift apart from each other and can maintain a good relationship/work at our friendship/cement our friendship forever.
Describe a polite person you know
Yang seharusnya anda katakan:
§  who this person is
§  who how you know this person
§  do you think this person is polite

Describe an unforgettable experience you have had
Yang seharusnya anda katakan:
§  where it was
§  what you did
§  why you had this experience
and explain why you remember this experience well.

Saran Jawaban:
It was two years ago when I had my very first motorbike trip with my friends to the first and most ancient village which is located in the Southern [your country]. It is an unforgettable trip that I’ve ever had.
Our group had 3 people, Jack, Jenny and me. We chose to visit that village because we wanted toget away from the hustle and bustle of the city and get off the beaten track.Moreoverbecause the village is also the birthplace of my grandparent, I felt really excited to visit the village and get a closer insight into the lifestyle of local people as well as my grandparent.
We set out for a day trip to date back to the tradition of our country really early. I’m always a night owl, not a early bird, so leaving the city at 5 a.m made me feel like I was deprived of sleep. However, I was deliriously happy shortly after embarking on the trip to the village. This was because on the way to get there, we admired the breathtaking landscapes which is totally different from the city we are currently living in.  After 1 hour drive, we got to the picturesque village which made me feel over the moon. We rented some bikes to cycle around the village with a lot of small alleyways filled with green grass. After riding a bike to the paddy field to feel the vibes of the villagewe visited some 400 year old ancient house which made of mud and laterite and had a look at communal houses where the local people gathered for festival celebration or public meeting. After that, we had lunch with many scrumptious food which is locally and organically grown. In the afternoon, we joined a cooking class with the villagers who were extremely friendly and clever at making traditional cakes. The highlight of the trip to the village was going to the paddy fields to help the farmers harvest the crop. It was such an once-in-a-lifetime experience which I really enjoyed.
That was our first motorbike trip to the outskirt of the city and first time in the countryside so we really enjoyed every single moment there. Jenny was like a dog with two tails while Jack and I were also on cloud nine. We relished everything in the village from the fresh air, cozyambiance to beautiful landscapes such as small houses or paddy fields. We very much hope that we can embark on a longer trip to the countryside down the road if we have more spare time.
Describe an interesting house or apartment you visited
Yang seharusnya anda katakan:
what it would look like
where it would be located
what facilities this would have
and explain why you want to live there

Today I am going to share with you a description of my ideal apartment that I would like to live in. Since I live in a big city, it is probably more convenient to buy a condo in a building complex.
I prefer a cozy place, so, I would expect it to be not too big, about 90 to 100 square meters, with2 bedrooms and 2 balconies. In my opinion, this size is perfect for a small family of parents and one child. When it comes to cleaning the house, you would not feel discouraged by all thechores you have to do.
It would be great if my apartment overlooked [1] a river or bridge, and it should be located on ahigh floor like the 10th or above. As a person who loves color and nature, I would decorate my house with a lot of paintings and plants. I would make a hanging garden in one of mybalconies [2] and put small chairs and tables out, so that I could sit there and enjoy my small garden. I would use yellow -tinted bulbs and lamps all over the apartment to make it cozier.
If I got the chance [1], I would love to make my dream apartment become a reality as soon as possible, because I have always wanted to move out of my parents‟ house. Owning an apartment would allow me to do whatever I want, whenever I want.

 condo: [noun] one apartment that you own in a building with other apartments. However, the shared areas are owned by everyone. Example: The owners of the condos share the swimming pool and children‟s play areas that are part of the apartment complex.
 building complex: [noun] a group of similar buildings of one type in the same place. Example: The buildings in the sports complex included a gymnasium and a basketball court.
 cozy: [adjective] small, but warm, comfortable and safe. Example: Although it was cold outside, his small apartment was cozy and so we stayed overnight.
balcony: [noun] something that is built on the outside wall of a building, like a small platform with a wall or rail around it for safety. Example: We had drinks on the hotel balcony, enjoying the view of the sea.
discouraged: [adjective] feeling less enthusiastic about something. Example: when I looked at all the homework that I had to finish, I felt quite
discouraged. However, I decided to start doing it immediately.
chores: [noun] routine tasks. Example: I have to do some chores every day, such as cleaning the kitchen and washing the dishes.
 overlook: [verb] if an apartment overlooks a place, this means that you can see that place from the window or balcony of the apartment. Example: We had lunch in a restaurantoverlooking a lake.
floor: [noun] all the rooms that are on the same level of a building. Example: On the 10thfloor of my apartment block, there are 6 different apartments.
 hanging garden: [noun] a type of garden on a balcony or roof in which many plants are in baskets which hang down from baskets fastened to the walls.
Example: Many people in our apartment complex grow flowers in baskets which hang from the walls of their balconies.
yellow-tinted: [adjective] having a light yellow colour. Example: The yellow-tinted lights gave our apartment a relaxing and cozy atmosphere.

Describe a decision you disagreed with

Yang seharusnya anda katakan :
what the decision was
who made that decision
if you told this person that you disagree
why you think it was wrong decision

Today, I am going to share with you my experience I had as a member of a team/of the time when I disagreed with my friend.  As a student, I have to engage in a variety of teamwork projects. As a result, having disagreements with other team members is inevitable.

For topic “Describe an experience you had as a member of a team“:
We were supposed to gather a team of 3 to 4 people to work on a simulation project in our management class. The simulation worked like this: each group in our class would run a shoe production company on the internet. We had to make decisions as the simulation market changed and each group‟s performance would be compared weekly. At the end of the semester, we would have to prepare a presentation on our simulation project. – We decided to meet each other once a week to work on the project; sometimes we would discuss urgent matters over e-mails. Despite the fact that we were at daggers drawn many times, we successfully led our company to the 2nd place overall in our class, so that was not a bad effort.

For topic “Describe a disagreement that you had with a friend“:

If you have ever had a chance of working in a team to make a decision, you would know how difficult it was to make sure everyone was pulling together. Running a simulative company was not as easy as we thought. A wrong decision on pricing would significantly affect our profit. 3 of us fought for days on pricing decisions. My friends wanted our products to be sold at a premium while I preferred a medium price, targeting the mid-end market. After carefully reviewing the market itself as well as material prices, we weighed the costs and benefits of each price to come up with a final selling price. – From this experience, I learned that it was hard to persuade people with your subjective reasons. However, if your decision is backed up by sound numbers, it will be more convincing.

simulation: [noun] a project in which a situation is created, but is not real. However, the conditions are similar to those that we could expect in real life. Example: In class, we studied asimulation on the computer of how dinosaurs used to live.
be at daggers drawn: [expression] a dagger is a weapon, like a knife, and if people are at daggers drawn, they are very angry with each other. Example: In the debate, the candidates for President were at daggers drawn over the question of economic policy.
pull together: [phrasal verb] to work together with other people in an organised way and without conflict. Example: If we all pull together, we will finish the work on time.
pricing: [noun] the act of deciding how much something should cost. Example: Thepricing policy of the supermarket was to offer a discount if you buy something in a large quantity.
at a premium: [expression] if we talk of a premium price, we mean a price that is higher than usual. Example: Shares in the company are selling at a premium, because everyone thinks that the company will be very successful this year.
mid-end: [adjective] I wanted to reach customers who wanted shoes of medium price and quality.
Example: Although the sales of expensive luxury cars and also cheap second-hand cars were falling, sales aimed at the mid-end market remained stable.

come up with: [phrasal verb] to find or produce an answer to a problem. Example: The government has come up with a plan to reduce pollution in the city.

subjective: [adjective] based on your own ideas and opinions, not on facts. Example: Court decisions are based on evidence, not on the subjective opinion of the judge.
back up: [phrasal verb] to support. Example: His job application was backed up by a good reference from his previous employer.
sound numbers: [expression] reliable. Example: The sound numbers published by the government encouraged more people to invest in the country.

Describe a time you had good experience in the countryside

Sampel jawaban
It was two years ago when I had my very first motorbike trip with my friends to the first and most ancient village which is located in the Southern [your country]. It is an unforgettable trip that I’ve ever had.
Our group had 3 people, Jack, Jenny and me. We chose to visit that village because we wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and get off the beaten track. Moreoverbecause the village is also the birthplace of my grandparent, I felt really excited to visit the village and get a closer insight into the lifestyle of local people as well as my grandparent.
We set out for a day trip to date back to the tradition of our country really early. I’m always a night owl, not a early bird, so leaving the city at 5 a.m made me feel like I was deprived of sleep. However, I was deliriously happy shortly after embarking on the trip to the village. This was because on the way to get there, we admired the breathtaking landscapes which is totally different from the city we are currently living in.  After 1 hour drive, we got to the picturesque village which made me feel over the moon. We rented some bikes to cycle around the village with a lot of small alleyways filled with green grass. After riding a bike to the paddy field to feel the vibes of the villagewe visited some 400 year old ancient house which made of mud and laterite and had a look at communal houses where the local people gathered for festival celebration or public meeting. After that, we had lunch with many scrumptious food which is locally and organically grown. In the afternoon, we joined a cooking class with the villagers who were extremely friendly and clever at making traditional cakes. The highlight of the trip to the village was going to the paddy fields to help the farmers harvest the crop. It was such an once-in-a-lifetime experience which I really enjoyed.
That was our first motorbike trip to the outskirt of the city and first time in the countryside so we really enjoyed every single moment there. Jenny was like a dog with two tails while Jack and I were also on cloud nine. We relished everything in the village from the fresh air, cozyambiance to beautiful landscapes such as small houses or paddy fields. We very much hope that we can embark on a longer trip to the countryside down the road if we have more spare time.

Do you think it is better to live in the countryside or in the city?

Sampel jawaban
As often as this question is raised, I believe it remains a tough decision to make when it comes to choosing between living in the countryside and living in the city. Many people have been attracted to live and work in big cities because of better employment opportunities and higher living standards. This massive rural-to-urban migration has, however, led to increase in environmental pollution, traffic and social issues in urban areas. It would be a better idea for people to live in the suburb and travel into the city to work every day so that they can enjoy the best of both worlds.
What are some of the challenges facing towns and cities?
Sampel jawaban

I suppose traffic congestion is the first and most serious problem most people choosing to live in the cities have to deal with. During the peak hours, there are an influx of people on the roads while the infrastructure can’t furnish people enough space for driving their own cars. Besides, the marked increase in out-of-town supermarkets and retail parks mean lots of town centre shops are closing down. I think these are the major challenges.

What are the advantages of living in the countryside?
Sampel jawaban

Living in the countryside can definitely benefit people in a wide range of ways. For one thing, living in the countryside is better for one’s health condition thanks to significantly lower levels of air pollution. It is undeniable that, air quality in big cities is so bad that long-term exposure to it may cause respiratory diseases and other health problems. Besides, the cost of living in rural areas is likely to be lower than that in cities. Although people in the city tend to make more money than people in the countryside do, they have to spend more on food, accommodation and transportation. Therefore, one can actually save more money by living in the countryside without working as hard.

Do you think that people should have permission to build houses in the countryside?
Sampel jawaban

I certainly think people should be encouraged to build houses in less developed areas. This is because house prices in big cities have become unaffordable for the masses while it costs much less to purchase land and build houses in the countryside. By making more land in the countryside available for building on, the government can attract people to live and work in the countryside, which will not only benefit the economy but also help to reduce burdens on big cities.

Demikian postingan soal speaking IELTS terbaru 2017 beserta sampel jawaban band 8.0-9.0 yang diambil dari berbagai negara. Silahkan dishare keteman-teman..

source: ieltsmaterial.com

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  1. kalo test TOEFL biasanya ngapain aja ya min???

  2. IELTS dan Toefl sama-sama test untuk mendapatkan beasiswa keluar negeri.. tetapimodel testnya agak sedikit berbeda.. gitu bro irfan


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