
Contoh jawaban Learning Task 4 M5 LA1 Identify stages of a process in explanation texts

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Task 4: Identify stages of a process in explanation texts

Text 5

Look at the picture in the text. Describe stages of the process by matching statements A-G with the number 1-7 in the picture. The first stage has been identified for you.

     A.    New bottles are sent to market.
     B.     Used bottles and jars are collected.     
     C.     Bottles and jars are taken by lorry to the recycling plant.
     D.    Bottle tops and lids are removed.
    E.     Crushed glass in melted in a furnace.
    F.      Glass is crushed into small pieces.  
    G.    Hot liquid glass is molded into new bottles.
The best arrangement for the stages of recycling glass bottles
1st stage
B. Used bottles and jars are collected
2nd stage
C. Bottles and jars are taken by lorry to the recycling plant
3rd stage
D. Bottle tops and lids are removed
4th  stage
F. Glass is crushed into small pieces.
5th stage
E. Crushed glass in melted in a furnace.
6th stage
G. Hot liquid glass is molded into new bottles.
7th stage
A. New bottles are sent to market.

Recycling Glass Bottles

New glass bottles are made mainly of silica sand.  The sand is melted in a furnace, at a very high temperature.  Recycled glass bottles are made in a very similar way, but cost less and use up fewer natural resources.
The process begins when people take their used bottles and jars to a bottle bank.  Next, the bottles and jars are taken by lorry to the recycling plant.  At the plant, bottle tops and lids are removed.  After that, the glass is crushed into small pieces.
The crushed glass is then sent by lorry to a bottle factory.  Here, it is mixed with a small amount of silica sand.  It is then melted in a furnace, at a lower temperature than new glass.
Finally, the hot liquid glass is drawn out of the furnace and fed into machinery that makes it into glass bottles.
Recycled glass is as pure and as strong as new glass. New glasses are sent to the market.
Glass can be recycled many times   without losing its quality.

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