
Pengertian Preferences Lengkap Beserta Contoh Soal latihan, Jawaban dan pembahasan

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Pada kesempatan kali ini kita kan membahas tentang Pengertian preferences lengkapbeserta soal latihan, kunci jawaban dan pembahasan. Preferences digunakan ketika kita akan mengungkapkan keinginan. Keinginan tersebut  bisa untuk kita sendiri maupun keinginan atau harapan kita tentang orang lain. Keinginan untuk diri sendiri diungkapkan dengan would rather, sedangkan keinginan yang diungkapkan tentang orang lain menggunakan would rather that.

Would Rather

would rather digunakan jika kita ingin mengungkapkan keinginan kita sendiri. Walaupun would rather tampak sepertipast tense tetapi would rather digunakan untuk menyampaikan keinginan saat ini dan yang akan dating.

-          I would rather eat meatball than chicken noodle
-          I would rather not eat meatball

-          I would rather ate meatball than chicken noodle.
-          I would rather will eat meatball  than chiken noodle
-          I would rather eating meatball than chicken noodle.
-          I would not rather eat meatball.

Would Rather That
Lihatlah pemakaian would rather that dibawah ini. Would rather that selalu diikuti bentuk past tense meskipun aktivitas yang dimaksud dalam bentuk present. Would rather that menunjukkan keinginan sisubjek tentang orang lain.

-          I would rather that dany went to the dance with me
-          I would rather that we talked to professor dany aboutn the accident
-          I would rather that we did not talk to professor Robert about the accident

Artikel lainnya:

-          I would rather that Dany will go to the dance with me
-          I would rather that tina should go to the dance with me
-          I would rather that we should talk to professor dany about the accident
-          I would rather that we shall talk to the professor dany about the accident

   1.      Hendra would rather …………. Than walk.
a.       Driving
b.      Drove
c.       Drives
d.      Drive

   2.      I prefer  ………….  In the living room to sleeping in the bedroom.
a.       Sleeping
b.      Sleep
c.       Slept
d.      To sleep

   3.      Jane told me that she’d rather ……….  Than go to the party.
a.       Stay
b.      has stay
c.       staying
d.      stays

   4.      he told me that he would rather …………  smoking instead of getting cough.
a.       Stopped
b.      To stop
c.       Stop
d.      Stops

   5.      Lingga would rather ……………. Milk than tea.
a.       Drink
b.      Drinks
c.       Drank
d.      Drinking

   6.      I would rather that you ………… go until tomorrow morning
a.       Don’t go
b.      Didn’t go
c.       Don’t went
d.      Not went

   7.      The coach would rather that his team …………….  P;aying rough.
a.       Stop
b.      Stops
c.       Stopping
d.      Stopped

  8.      Mrs. Malik would rather that her husband …………. In the house instead of joining a group of firing.
a.       Stayed
b.      Stays
c.       Stay
d.      Staying

   9.      mrs.tary  would rather that………… my vocal than palyed guitar.
a.       Reheares
b.      Rehease
c.       Rehearsing
d.      Rehearsed

10.  Azizah would rather that her brother ………… drink alcohol anymore.
a.       Don’t
b.      Doesn’t
c.       Didn’t
d.      Not

Kunci jawaban dan pembahasan
1.      D. would rather diikuti oleh verb dasar
2.      A. prefer diikuti oleh gerund atau noun
3.      A. Would rather di ikuti oleh verb dasar
4.      C. would rather diikuti oleh verb dasar
5.      Would rather diikuti oleh verb dasar
6.      B
7.      D
8.      A
9.      D
10.  C

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Saya hanya memberikan 5 pembahasan selebihnya saya yakin anda pasti sudah mengerti. Jika masih ada yang belum dimengrti silahkan dibaca kembali. Demikianlah postingan kami tentang Pengertian preferences lengkap beserta soallatihan, kunci jawaban dan pembahasan. Semoga bermanfaat, terima ksih atas kunjungan anda dan jangan lupa berkomentar..

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