
LEARNING TASK 1-4 M6 LA4(Module 6 Learning Activity 4) FORMAL INVITATION

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Task 1
Below are examples of how people invite someone for some events. Listen and repeat after the speaker.
Task 2
Listen again to the conversations in Task 1. List out expressions of inviting people!
    ·         It’s going to be a pool party at Jay’s apartment. You must come by seven.
    ·         Well, Samantha and I would like to have you for dinner if you’re free.
    ·         Great! In that case please come to our house by 7:30.
    ·         He said we could bring the spouse or a friend along. I thought about inviting you.
    ·         So, can you come over for a small party?
    ·         So, would you please come to our place next Tuesday?
    ·         Look, I just wanted to invite you to my wedding anniversary.
    ·         Can you join us?
    ·         We want you both there with us!.

Task 3
Now, we will learn how people invite someone in more formal ways in written form. List out expressions of inviting someone in formal ways.
·         It is an honour for us to have a privilege to invite you at Home Style and Décor Exhibition.
·         Dear Sir, This is to invite you for the grand sale of our products.
·         It is our pleasure to invite you for the inauguration of our company, Star Enterprises, on 5th October, 2013 at 10.30 am.
·         Hugo Taylor & Charlie Morris request the pleasure of your company to celebrate the launch of Taylor Morris Eyewear
Read again the examples of formal invitations above and answer the questions by providing evidence (expression, phrase, sentence) to support your answer. 
1.                   What is the purpose of each of the invitation letters?
2.                  Whom each of the invitation letters is intended to?
3.                  What is the mode of each invitation letter (letter, card, etc)?

Text 1
Text 2
Text 3
Text 4
1.      What is the purpose of each of invitation letters
To invite people to come to Home Style and Décor Exhibition
To invite the reader for the grand sale of products
To invite people to come to inauguration
To invite people to come to a launch party of Taylor Morris Eyewear
2.      Whom each of the invitation letters is intended to ?
People who might interested in home decoration , the colleagues
Product Department of a Company
The programmers
The company representative, the colleagues
3.      What is the mode of each invitation letter (letter, card, etc)?
Invitation  Card 
Letter invitation
Invitation card
Invitation card

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