
Contoh Soal Announcement SMA Pilihan Ganda Beserta Jawabannya

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Contoh Soal Announcement SMA Pilihan Ganda Beserta Jawabannya

The following text is for questions 1 and 2.

We are announcing today that we are bringing the Milestone and Ever Green brands even closer together. Effective as of 5th December 2013, our official name will be:


The substitution of “West” in our name--- replacing “Cianjur”---is the result of an agreement we reached with Cianjur Gardening Association, following a protest over the original use of ”Cianjur” in our name.

We hope this does not create any confusion among our loyal consumers. While this represents a change from our initial name introduction, it does not change the quality of products we offer to our consumers.

1. Who issues the announcement?
(A) Green Miles West Company
(B) Green Miles West Customers
(C) the co-worker of Green Miles West
(D) the partnership of Green Miles West
(E) The loyal customers of Green Miles West

2. “The substitution of ‘West’ in our name ....”
The word “substitution” has closest in
meaning to ....
(A) merger
(B) insertion
(C) development
(D) replacement
(E) improvement

Referensi soal: Soal Ujian Nasional SMA / MA tahun 2016.

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