Task 1 M6 LA1
The Social Functions of the Four Report Texts
above Regarding the Contexts, the Target Readers,
and the Points of Interests Or Importance
Report Text 1
Report Text 2
Escrow/loan officer
Report Text 3
Insurance underwriters
Report Text 4
Where do
you think such kinds of texts be found?
We can find such kinds of texts in
magazines, newspaper specialized for job vacancy, online staffing platform or
website like the source of the texts : www.snagajob.com
might be interested in reading those texts?
People in general especially job
seekers, students, and fresh graduated students might be interested in
reading these texts.
would the texts enlighten its readers?
report text 1, the readers will have good understanding about:
report text2, the readers will have good
understanding about:
report text 3, the readers will have good
understanding about:
report text 4, the readers will have good
understanding about:
1. The definition ofcopywriter
àCopywriters are people who create fresh written content
for advertising, marketing and descriptive texts.
1. The definition of Escrow/loan officer
àEscrow/loan officer are people who
responsible for loan transaction in a bank and financial institutions.
1. The definition ofInsurance underwriters
àInsurance underwriters are people who responsible
forApproval of insurances.
1. The definition ofParalegals
àParalegals are people who responsible for assisting
lawyers and legal teams for hearings trials and other meetings by doing
research, preparing arguments and gathering the appropriate documentation.
2. Working place:
à They
work in a company or work as a
2. Working Place
àThey work in a bank and financial institutions.
2. Working
àThey work ininsurance companies
2. Working place
àThey work inindependent
firms,corporate legal and litigation teams, and government agencies.
3. The Tasks of copywriter
àThey write morecreative
text, like ad jingles,
taglines, and other creative copy,
or more research-basedcopy,
like a job description
on a website
3. The Tasks ofEscrow/loan
àThey gather financial documents,
to determine how much people and businesses make, how much they owe and
credit rating.
3. The Tasks of underwriters officer
àThey receive insurance
applications from insurance agents, use it to deciding whether to approve or
reject the applicant.
3. The Tasks of Paralegals
àThey are responsible for assisting lawyers and legal teams for
hearings trials and other meetings by doing research, preparing arguments and
gathering the appropriate documentation, analysis of legal materials,
maintaining reference files and records, and collecting materials for court
proceedings and meetings.
4. Work withwhom/what
àeditors, a designer or art director for advertising.
4.Work withwhom/what
àbank and financial institutions.
4.Work with whom/what
àinsurance fields like life, health, mortgage or property
and casualty.
4. Work with whom/what
àLawyers, corporate legal and government agencies
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